Archive 2016

Jul 01

Research on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration by Jackie Faselt

by tuftsigl

My experience so far as an intern for the Consortium for Gender, Security, and Human Rights, based in University of Massachusetts in Boston, has been wonderful. One of the projects I have been working on is the syllabus collection on the consortium’s website.

Jun 28

Poverty and Radicalization in Morocco: Education by Ria Mazumdar

by tuftsigl

In Marrakesh, we visited the Ben Youssef Medersa, the oldest Islamic college in North Africa and largest in Morocco, a mere ten-minute walk from where we were staying. The college was built during the reign of Sultan Ali Ibn Yusuf, whose reign was from 1106 to 1142.

Jun 27

Oslo Freedom Forum by Benya Kraus

by tuftsigl

Oslo Freedom Forum video made by Benya!

The theme of "Catalyst" could not be more appropriate of a word to describe the purpose and impact of this year's Oslo Freedom Forum.