In 2012-2013, NIMEP sends a group of 7 students to Turkey to conduct research on a variety of topics.
Phil Hoffman - Turkish Strategic Concerns at a Kurdish Resurgence in Northern Syria
Sari El-Abboud - Turkey's Support for the Free Syrian Army and its Vision for Postwar Syria
James Bowker - Turkish Security Concerns and the Syrian Refugee Situation
Madeline Hall - Journalistic Freedom and its Prospects in the New Turkish Constitution
Leah Muskin-Pierret - The AKP's Internet Censorship Initiative and its Implications for Turkish Democracy
Niyash Mistry - Strategic Imperatives of the AK Party in Relation to Iran
Will Beckham - Investigating Counter-Insurgency and Security Cooperation Opportunities for the Republic of Turkey with the Republic of Iraq After the American Military Withdrawal from Iraq