Professor Berkman is an internationally-renown scientist, explorer, educator and author who has made significant contributions to the sustainable development of our world during the past three decades. He is especially motivated to establish connections between science, diplomacy and information technology to promote cooperation and prevent discord for good governance of regions beyond sovereign jurisdictions – which account for nearly 70% of the Earth. Paul was a visiting professor at the University of California at the age of 24, after wintering in Antarctica on a SCUBA research expedition the previous year, and travelled to all seven continents before the age of 30. He was former Head of the Arctic Ocean Geopolitics Programme at the University of Cambridge and a Research Professor at the University of California Santa Barbara. In September 2015, Prof. Berkman joined the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University as Professor of Practice in Science Diplomacy. In addition, he is the founder and sole-owner of EvREsearch LTD, Chief Executive of DigIn (Digital Integration Technology Limited) and Chair of the Foundation for the Good Governance of International Spaces. Prof. Berkman also is the coordinator of the international Arctic Options and Pan-Arctic Options projects, which are funded by government agencies from 2013-2020, addressing Holistic Integration for Arctic Coastal-Marine Sustainability. He convened and chaired the Antarctic Treaty Summit in Washington, DC on the 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty, involving 40 sponsoring institutions from around the world along with a keynote address from the United Nations Secretary-General as well as a joint resolution adopted with unanimous consent in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. He also convened the NATO advanced research workshop that became the first formal dialogue between NATO and Russia regarding Arctic security, stimulating subsequent presentations to the Norwegian Parliament and NATO Maritime Command. In addition, Prof. Berkman co-convened and chaired the Workshop on Safe Ship Operations in the Arctic Ocean at the International Maritime Organization with more than seventy participating organizations. He also was co-chair of the International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability convened by the International Council of Science / World Data System and Committee on Data for Science and Technology. Professor Berkman serves as an expert consultant and principal investigator on diverse international projects, sharing insights directly with Heads of State and other government leaders as well as captains of industry. For his contributions, Prof. Berkman has received the: Antarctic Service Medal from the United States Congress; NASA Faculty Fellowship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology; Byrd Fellowship at The Ohio State University; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship at the National Institute of Polar Research in Japan; Erskine Fellowship in the Gateway Antarctica, University of Canterbury in New Zealand; and Fulbright Distinguished Scholarship at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom as well as being elected to the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research.
Internationally-renown scientist and author Paul Berkman presents lecture on Environmental Diplomacy and the High North to EPIIC students
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