Discourse Vol. 1, Spring 2008

January 01, 2008

The Inaugural volume of Discourse includes articles, photo essays, and interviews:

Samuel James | Urbicide: Lagos and the Crisis of the Megacity
Samuel James | Water Get No Enemy: A Photo Essay from Lagos, Nigeria
Jonathan Greenblatt | Water For Water: Social Entrepreneurship and the World Water Crisis, An Interview
Matan Chorev | Why the World Failed Darfur The Dilemma Of The Semistate
Alexander Busse, Benjamin Harburg, & Aaron Markowitz-Schulman | The Sovereignty Exchange: Fourteen World Leaders on the Future of Sovereignty
Maya Karwande | Balkanized Justice: International Involvement in the Domestic Prosecution of War Crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Padden Guy Murphy | A Forgotten People: A Photo Essay on the Blackfeet and THE Chippewa Cree Native Americans in Montana
Kyle Hiatt | Forgotten Lessons of Counterinsurgency
Rana Abdul-Aziz | Amin’s House
Graham Allison & Senator Sam Nunn | Nuclear Proliferation: A Race Between Cooperation and Catastrophe
Mie Inouye | Barrios