
Jared Cohn '18

Jared Cohn was the treasurer and vice president of the Tufts Chapter of Amnesty. He majored in Biopsychology with a minor in Roman Civilization and an interest in psychopharmacology. Prior to Tufts, he attended Solomon Schechter School of Westchester, a Jewish Day School, from kindergarten to twelfth grade. By attending Schechter, he obtained a backbone in Jewish Literature and Culture, as well as to genocides such as the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide and the Cambodian Genocide. Learning about these events prompted his interest to serve in human rights organizations to attempt to prevent future genocides from occurring as well as to advocate for those who are unable to do so. Aside from Amnesty, he also love to ski and has skied since he was three years old. He also has a black belt in Karate and loves to sing along to Disney movies, especially the first two high school musical movies.

Carlota Fernandez-Tubau Rullo '15

Carlota is a member of the Tufts Class of 2015 pursuing a double major in Peace and Justice Studies and International Relations, with a concentration in Africa. She coordinates the Refugee Assistance Program under the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and works at the non-for-profit Books of Hope. She is also a Citizenship and Public Service Scholar at the Tisch College and a Synaptic Scholar at the Institute for Global Leadership. Carlota is interested in addressing one of the side effects of the economic crisis in the EU: the rolling back of gains in human rights of migrants. In an attempt to combat xenophobic attitudes and improve policy concerned with migrants and refugees, she has designed a Synaptics project that integrates both extensive academic research and social documentary activity. As member of the Program for Narrative and Documentary Practice, she has identified and reported specific stories that can act as vehicles to explain larger, complex issues. PNDP took her to Burma where she covered the story of NLD activist Su Su Nway and documented the distressing situation of factory workers who were for the first time daring to speak out to demand rights, better pay and conditions. Through her work Carlota pursues to bring to light social injustices and to advocate for positive social change. As an Oslo Scholar, she will be working in Angola with journalist and activist Rafael Marques de Morais.

Caitlin Thompson '17

Caitlin is a junior from Carmel, CA, pursing a double major in Russian & Eastern European Studies and International Relations. On campus, she is the head delegate of Model UN and has maintained a column for the Tufts Daily on oppressive regimes, as well as her own blog entitled “Global Citizen.” Caitlin is also a peer teacher teaching a freshmen advising course with fellow Oslo Scholar, Nitesh Gupta, entitled “Human Rights in the Digital Age,” which addresses issues like the surveillance of political dissidents and the manifestation of human rights advocacy within the hacker community. As a member of the 2014-2015 EPIIC colloquium on Russia in the 21st Century, Caitlin was captivated by the manifestation of Russian history in contemporary domestic and foreign policy. This past summer as an Oslo Scholar, she interned with the Institute for Modern Russia and the Human Rights Foundation in New York, where she worked on projects concerning Russia’s position as a diplomatic partner in the global community under President Putin.