
Mauricio Artiñano '06

Costa Rica - San Jose

After graduating with a BA in International Relations at Tufts University, Mauricio worked for The Project on Justice in Times of Transition (now Beyond Conflict) on several peacebuilding projects in Central America and Colombia. He was then appointed Minister Counsellor for the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations during Costa Rica’s 2008-2009 term as elected member of the UN Security Council where he worked as a thematic expert on African issues and later as Security Council Political Coordinator. After returning to Costa Rica to focus on corporate social responsibility, he enrolled at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University where he is a candidate for a Master’s in Public Affairs. 

Nicki Sobecki '08

Kenya - Nairobi

Nicki Sobecki is a freelance photographer and writer based in Nairobi, Kenya.  Through her work, Nicki strives to document the consequences of war, poverty and social unrest.

Zach Landau '07

United States - Washington DC

As Director for Incident Management at the White House National Security Staff, Zach is a member of the team that coordinates the Federal response to large-scale disasters.