
Helaina Stein '10

Rwanda - Kigali

Helaina is currently developing partnerships and conducting research for a social enterprise that facilitates capacity building in Rwanda. She plans to soon join the U.S. Foreign Service.

Jesse Sloman '09

Japan - Okinawa

Jesse is currently a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps assigned to 3d Intelligence Battalion, III MEF, PACOM.

Leila Abu Gheida '87

Indonesia - Jakarta

Leila is currently involved in managing USAID/Indonesia's conflict mitigation and prevention programs valued at $54 million. She managed the SERASI post-conflict and governance contract (valued at $44 million), which is the largest peacebuilding program in South Asia. The program has implemented over 265 small grants in areas throughout rural and urban Indonesia to respond to tension at the community level to address a wide range of conflict drivers. Issues covered by the SERASI contract range from livelihoods and income generation to youth and interethnic tension. If you would like to learn more about SERASI, check out their website: