
Marie-Louise Schnetz '19

Hometown: Munich, Germany
Bio: Marie-Louise Schnetz was a Mechanical Engineering major with a minor in Engineering Management. She had been a member of the club since her freshman year and went on a trip with BUILD India to Tamil Nadu. She co-led the club in her last semester.

Paulina Jedrzejowski '19

Paulina Jedrzejowski was a first-generation student majoring in International Relations with a concentration in Latin America and Economics and minoring in Portuguese at Tufts University. Originally from Polish immigrant family from New York City, she continues to have a very strong connection to her roots. Paulina was involved in multiple activities on campus and her passion for sustainable development has been shaped by her gap year with Global Citizen Year. Paulina enjoyed working with non-governmental organizations to implement community development projects that increase the living conditions of people. In the future, she hopes to work on International Economic Development at the United States think tanks. During her free time, Paulina likes to travel, explore museums, and take walks.

Shoshana Goldman '19

Shoshana was a major in international relations. She is interested in pursuing a career in international development. She is especially interested in improving education and empowering women in underdeveloped regions. By being involved with Tufts International Development, she hoped to explore her ethical role as a global citizen who wants to make a difference in the developing world.