
Cami Rovalino '19

Camila, as an Ecuadorian student, is committed to giving back to the country that she has called home for most of her life. She majored in quantitative economics. She is very interested in the role that technology plays in breaching the educational gap between developed anddeveloping countries andenabling a sustainable development. She has experience in consulting as well as working with NGOS both in the US and Ecuador. She has worked with NGOs such as Kids In Need of Defense (KIND), TECHO Ecuador, among others. 

Rory Buckman '19

Rory was a senior studying Civil Engineering with an interest in Water Resources and Coastal Engineering. He is from Auckland, New Zealand by way of San Jose, CA and had been a part of EWB since his freshman year and travelled on an assessment trip to Malawi in the summer of 2017. 

Katie Elliot '19

Katie was an Electrical Engineering major from Brooklyn, NY. She had been in EWB since her freshman year and loves seeing the project develop. On campus, she was also a part of Tufts Energy Group and Society of Women Engineers. On her free time, she likes to watch TV shows like Westworld and Black Mirror.