Dec 04

Applications Available for NIMEP Morocco Trip in May 2015

Applications are available for the NIMEP research trip to Morocco in Summer 2015.  Anyone who wishes to apply should send an email to to request the application. 

They are due January 12, so don't delay!

Oct 17

Michael Peznola Joins the IGL

The IGL is very pleased to welcome Mike Peznola to the leadership team of the IGL as the new Executive Director for administrative affairs. Mike will be responsible for all administrative matters. Sherman Teichman, Founding Director of the IGL, will continue to lead the Institute in all intellectual and programming matters, including EPIIC. We look forward to an even brighter future for IGL with this new structure.


Oct 16
The Tufts Daily

Students travel to Oslo for Freedom Forum

Three Tufts students — junior Jack Margolin and sophomores Orlando Economos and Caitlin Thompson — will travel to Norway from Oct. 20 to 22 for the annual Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF), a gathering of human rights activists, policymakers, leaders in education and journalists. The trip is sponsored by the Institute for Global Leadership (IGL).
The topic of this year’s OFF is “Defeating Dictators,” according to Margolin.