Nov 15

Migration in a Turbulent World

Caravans of migrants from Central America’s Northern Triangle. More than five million Syrian refugees outside the country’s borders and more than six million internally displaced within Syria. A recent surge of violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo drives large numbers of Congolese eastward to neighboring Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. The rise of populism and right-wing parties in Europe in response to migration. The growing securitization of migration in the U.S.

Nov 15

IGL Launches New Negotiation and Mediation Program

As leaders in the twenty-first century, how can we most effectively exercise influence in a global, multi-cultural environment? Are we ‘born’ diplomats or can we learn and improve our negotiation skills?  Should we pummel our opponent (and “win”) or can we do well in a negotiation while preserving the relationship and laying the groundwork for future negotiations?

Nov 01

2018 Tufts ALLIES Conference on Civil Military Relations

This conference will focus on the changing climate and its impact on national and international security, specifically civil-military relations. Global warming has impacted the relationships between governments and their populations, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the military. The political and social impacts of climate change demand a whole-of-society response, while the military is often tasked with the implementation of these solutions. We will examine the role of civilian and military leaders in addressing oncoming challenges in the short- and long-term.