
Nicki Sobecki '08

Kenya - Nairobi

Nicki Sobecki is a freelance photographer and writer based in Nairobi, Kenya.  Through her work, Nicki strives to document the consequences of war, poverty and social unrest.

Nick Birnback '92

Somalia -

Nick is Chief of the Peacekeeping Affairs Unit in the Office of the Under-Secretary General in the U.N. Department of Peacekeeeping Operations. He was awarded the IGL Alumni Award in 2012 at the Global Conflict in the 21st Century EPIIC Symposium.

Sabina Carlson Robillard '10

Haiti - Cite Soleil

Sabina is living in Cite Soleil, Haiti's largest slum, and working to empower community-driven social change movements. At the IGL she was a member of RESPE and the 2007-08 EPIIC Colloquium on Global Poverty and Inequality. She was awarded an Alumni Recognition Award for her work in Haiti since the 2010 earthquake at the 2013 EPIIC Symposium on Global Health and Security.