
February 28, 2014

EPIIC 2014: Dedication to Anthony Shadid, Alumni Acknowledgements [Audio]


Friday, February 28, 2014
6:30 PM

Dedication of the Symposium to Anthony Shadid

Nichole Sobecki | Independent Photographer; Former Correspondent, GlobalPost; EPIIC’06
Sherif Mansour | Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator, Committee to Protect Journalists

Alumni Acknowledgements:

Denise LiGreci | Scholars at Risk, Program Officer

Dalia Ziada | Executive Director, Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies

Suhad Babaa | Just Vision, Director of Programming

Given by Sherman Teichman | Tufts Institute for Global Leadership, Founding Director

The 29th Annual Norris and Margery Bendetson International EPIIC Symposium on "The Future of the Middle East and North Africa" is dedicated to Anthony Shadid (1968-2012)

February 28, 2014

EPIIC 2014 Panel: Political Islam and Governance [Audio]


Friday, February 28, 2014
2:30-4:30 PM

Political Islam and Governance

Issandr el Amrani | Project Director, North Africa, International Crisis Group; Founder, The Arabist blog

Mohammed S Dajani Daoudi | Founder and Executive Director, Wasatiyya, Moderate Islamic Movement in Palestine; Founding Director, American Studies Institute, Al Quds University

Presentation of Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award by Becky Allen and Eloise Harnett, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Members

Robert P. Parks | Director, Centre d’Etudes Maghrebines en Algerie (American Institute for Maghrib Studies)

Mowaffak al Rubaie | Former National Security Advisor, Iraq; former Member of Parliament, Iraq

Hugh Roberts | Edward Keller Professor of North African and Middle Eastern History, Tufts University; former Director, North Africa Project, International Crisis Group

Presentation of EPIIC Colloquium Recognition Award by Kirsten Gute, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member

Student Presentation, Max Fathy '14 and Rebecca Varley '14, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Members: The Turkish Model: Perception vs Reality

Moderated by Sam Whitefield '16, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member 

February 28, 2014

EPIIC 2014 Panel: Civil-Military Relations And Security Sector Reform [Audio]


Friday, February 28, 2014
12:30-2:30 PM

Civil-Military Relations and Security Sector Reform in Political Transitions

Ibrahim el Ghazawi | Former Advisor, Office of the Minister of Interior, Egypt; Former Visiting Fellow, U.S. Army Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI)

Karim Haggag | Deputy Director, Policy Planning Division, Foreign Ministry, Egypt

Jean-Louis Romanet Perroux | PhD candidate at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Richard Shultz | Director of the International Security Studies Program, The Fletcher School, Tufts University; Author, The Marines Take Anbar: The Four Year Fight Against al Qaeda

Sarah Butterfield ’14 and Isabel Weiner ’14 | 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Members: "The Arrogance of Power”

Jackie Faselt ’17 | 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member: "The Effect of International Military Education on Civil Military Relations”

Moderated by David Riche '14, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member

February 28, 2014

EPIIC 2014 Panel: Civil-Military Relations and Security Sector Reform [Video]


Friday, February 28, 2014
12:30-2:30 PM

Civil-Military Relations and Security Sector Reform in Political Transitions

Ibrahim el Ghazawi | Former Advisor, Office of the Minister of Interior, Egypt; Former Visiting Fellow, U.S. Army Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI)

Karim Haggag | Deputy Director, Policy Planning Division, Foreign Ministry, Egypt

Jean-Louis Romanet Perroux | PhD candidate at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Richard Shultz | Director of the International Security Studies Program, The Fletcher School, Tufts University; Author, The Marines Take Anbar: The Four Year Fight Against al Qaeda

Sarah Butterfield ’14 and Isabel Weiner ’14 | 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Members: "The Arrogance of Power”

Jackie Faselt ’17 | 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member: "The Effect of International Military Education on Civil Military Relations”

Moderated by David Riche '14, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member

February 28, 2014

EPIIC 2014: Introduction, Keynote by Amb. William J. Burns [Video]


Friday, February 28, 2014
6:30-7:30 PM

Introductions and Welcomes

David Harris | Provost and Senior Vice President, Tufts University

Sherman Teichman | Director, Institute for Global Leadership

Gabriella Zoia '15 | 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member

Adm. James Starvidis | Dean, The Flectcher School, Tufts University

Keynote Address: America and a Changing Middle East

Amb. William J. Burns | Deputy Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State; Career Ambassador; former Under Secretary for Political Affairs; former Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs; former Ambassador to Jordan

February 28, 2014

Dedication to Anthony Shadid (1968-2012) [Audio]


Friday, February 28, 2014
6:30 PM

Dedication to Anthony Shadid

The dedication of EPIIC 2014: The Future of the Middle East and North Africa to Anthony Shadid (1968-2012), a foreign correspondent for The New York Times and Pulitzer Prize nominee for International Reporting.

Nichole Sobecki | Independent Photographer; Former Correspondent, GlobalPost; EPIIC’06

Sherif Mansour | Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator, Committee to Protect Journalists

February 27, 2014

EPIIC Symposium 2014 Workshop Report: Collapse of Sovereignty: The State of the State [Video]

Thursday, February 27, 2014

7:00 PM

Collapse of Sovereignty: The State of the State Report

Nimrod Hurvitz | Professor of Middle East History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Ariel Levite | Nonresident Senior Associate, Nuclear Policy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Former Principle Deputy Director General for policy, Israeli Atomic Energy Commission

Introduction by Olivia Holt-Ivry '15, MALD Candidate, The Fletcher School; Teaching Assistant, EPIIC


February 27, 2014

EPIIC Symposium 2014: Elizabeth Thompson Keynote-100 years after WWI: Enduring Consequences for the Middle East and North Africa [Video]


Keynote Address: 100 Years after World War I: Enduring Consequences for the Middle East and North Africa
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elizabeth Thompson | Associate Professor of History, University of Virginia; Author, Justice Interrupted: The Struggle for Constitutional Government in the Middle East

Introduction by Abuzar Royesh, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member

February 27, 2014

EPIIC 2014 Keynote: Elizabeth Thompson: 100 Years after World War I [Audio]


Thursday, February 27, 2014
7:30 PM

Keynote Address: 100 Years after World War I: Enduring Consequences for the Middle East and North Africa

Elizabeth Thompson | Associate Professor of History, University of Virginia; Author, Justice Interrupted: The Struggle for Constitutional Government in the Middle East

Introduction by Abuzar Royesh '16, 2014 EPIIC Colloquium Member 

February 27, 2014

EPIIC 2014 Workshop Report: Collapse of Sovereignty: The State of the State [Audio]


Thursday, February 27, 2014
7:00 PM

Collapse of Sovereignty: The State of the State Report

Nimrod Hurvitz | Professor of Middle East History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Ariel Levite | Nonresident Senior Associate, Nuclear Policy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Former Principle Deputy Director General for policy, Israeli Atomic Energy Commission

Introduction by Olivia Holt-Ivry '15, MALD Candidate, The Fletcher School; Teaching Assistant, EPIIC 

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