
Ariel Barbieri-Aghib '18

United States -

Hailing from San Francisco, California, Ariel studied International Relations with a focus on the EU and former Soviet Union. She also lead a research team focusing on the European Union member states responses to the migrant/refugee countries. Outside of NIMEP, Ariel enjoys hiking, rock climbing, playing frisbee and drinking hot tea on cold mornings.

Eeman Malik '18

Eeman Malik was the secretary of Tufts Amnesty. She majored in International Relations with a focus on international development economics. She is from Islamabad, Pakistan and joined Amnesty because she wanted to contribute to fighting against human rights violations committed around the world and she thinks Amnesty is one of the few organizations that provides an effective forum. She is especially interested in women’s rights and her other interests are running, traveling, reading and exploring/discovering exotic cuisines.

Christina Koo '18

Ye Eun Koo, also called Christina, was the social media chair for the Tufts chapter of Amnesty International. She majored in Biochemistry and Child Study and Human Development, with a minor in Studio Arts. Prior to attending Tufts University, she was in Seoul, Korea attending Korea International School. Her interest in humans rights began with learning how limited North Korean human rights are; She is also interested in women and children’s rights in various parts of the worlds. Apart from Amnesty, she loves music, photography and reading!