
Daniel Kamlarz '18

Daniel Kamlarz served as the Urgent Action Coordinator for the Tufts Chapter of Amnesty International this academic year. He was raised in Amherst Massachusetts and began his studies at Tufts University in the Fall of 2014, majoring in International Relations and Middle Easter Studies. He ultimately decided to join Amnesty International to advocate for underserved communities who face discrimination and genocide such as the Syrian Refugees and Rohingya of Myanmar. When he is not advocating for human rights, you can find him performing with Major Undecided or climbing trees with his best friend Jared Cohn.

Driston Galvao '18

In the Spring semester of 2017, Driston became President of the Tufts chapter of Amnesty International after serving several years on Amnesty Executive and Planning boards. He was a Pre-Law student at Tufts, majoring in American Studies and Sociology. In addition to his work in Amnesty, he was a member of the Tufts Historical Review Board as well as Tufts ACLU. Prior to attending Tufts, he graduated high school from LaSalle Academy in his hometown of Providence, Rhode Island. Here, he developed an interest in human rights and advocacy, serving as President of the school's Model United Nations club while also competing in debate tournaments at the Varsity level. In addition to human rights advocacy, he is passionate about assisting youth with mental handicaps such as mute autism. He has served as a member of Best Buddies, a mentorship program pairing developmentally disabled youth with able-bodied friends. He is also an avid reader and collector of comic books. His favorite Super Hero is She-Hulk.

Ayden Crosby '18

Ayden (A'21) is considering a major in International Relations and a possible minor in German. He is from Lake Tahoe, California and is enjoying starting life on the east coast. At Tufts, he served as the Freshman Liaison for Amnesty International. He is also a member of another club associated with the Institute for Global Leadership, BUILD India and is on the Tufts Model United Nations team. He joined Amnesty because he is passionate about human rights issues and wants to bring tangible change on human rights at home and abroad. He believes in the issues Amnesty campaigns for and believes that Tufts additionally stands to benefit from Amnesty’s presence on campus.