
Danielle Kong '17

Danielle hails from greater New York City area and majored in Cognitive and Brain Sciences. She was drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of the program, which combines computer science, psychology, and linguistics. Danielle is also excited by art and design, and is passionate about discovering the intersections between science, technology, and design. On campus, she was part of the Tufts Observer team that creates interactive web visualizations to tell stories about cool topics. Struck by wanderlust and a zeal to immerse herself in different cultures, Danielle decided to spend a year studying abroad at University College London. When she is not wandering around, exploring different places in her local neighborhood or farther away, she can be found captivated by a conversation with friends, enjoying some good food, rock climbing, taking photos of seemingly ordinary moments, or doodling in a sketchbook.

Fall 2017

Emma Denson '16

Emma was born in small town Mississippi and raised in suburbia Texas. She majored in Peace and Justice Studies with pre-health — exploring the intersection of neuroscience and criminal justice. While at Tufts, Emma put her skills to work on the Greek Council Judicial Board and interns at service-based non-profits. Because of her passion for photography, writing and their innate empathy, she enjoyed this photojournalism experience giving her a deeper understanding of others.

Fall 2017

Julie Davis '17

Julia Davis graduated from Tufts with a major in biopsychology. She enjoys hands on tasks and passes free time with home brewing and gardening. Crew, rugby, and swimming have been the most central of the many sports she has played. After working on ambulances for the Israeli Red Cross, attending a medical program abroad, and long term involvement in type 1 diabetes clinical trials, she is excited to eventually settle into the medical field as a nurse practitioner.

Fall 2017