
Ashish Malhotra '11

United States - Washington, D.C.

Ashish Malhotra is an Associate Producer for Al Jazeera English's award winning and Emmy-award nominated talk show, The Stream. The Stream focuses on stories that are ongoing, global, and sourced from social media and acts as an aggregator of online sources and discussion, seeking out unheard voices, new perspectives from people on the ground and untold angles related to the most compelling stories of the day. The Stream shares its platform with artists, celebrities and intellectuals who are an integral part of the social media community.

John Millock '12

Malaysia - Pasir Gudang

John Millock was a member of PPRI from 2010 to 2012, and co-led the group for three semesters, while the group explored the themes: Poverty and Power During Times of Crisis, and Poverty, Power and the Media. At Tufts, John majored in International Relations and studied in France for a semester. John is particularly interested in energy and security policy and worked for 3 months in Cambodia for a local NGO, researching the country's expanding oil and natural gas industries. He also interned in the Research Department at the White House. John is currently a Fulbright Fellow in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia.

Katherine Conway '13

United States - Washington, D.C.

Katherine (A07, F13) received her MALD from the Fletcher School, during which time she worked with Search for Common Ground in Kigali focusing on monitoring and evaluation of peacebuilding programs. She is currently on the Adolescent Girls Team at the United Nations Foundation based in Washington, D.C. As an undergraduate she was involved in EPIIC, [EXPOSURE], and BUILD: Nicaragua.