
Chelsea Brown '11

United States - San Francisco, CA

Chelsea is working at Global Exchange, a non-profit helping to coordinate a cross-country Caravan for Peace in which victims of Mexico's drug war will share their stories with American audiences in 20+ cities in order to shine a light on the crisis of drug war violence, impunity, and human rights atrocities that are rending Mexico’s social fabric. The Caravan seeks to promote a civil society discourse.

Shanti Sattler '07

Mexico - Mexico City

Shanti is working for Centro de Colaboración Cívica, an organization that promotes dialogue, sustainable resolution of conflicts and balanced development at the community, civil society and government levels.

Sarah Arkin '06

United States - Washington, D.C.

Sarah Arkin (A06) is currently U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz' Senior Legislative Assistant, advising the congresswoman on foreign policy, trade, healthcare, and other legislative priorities. She lived in Cairo during 2012 on a Boren Fellowship, studying Arab and researching the effectiveness of civic education initiatives in post-Mubarak Egypt.