Inquiry is a global issues simulation program for high school students developed by EPIIC. Inquiry provides a unique opportunity for high school students from across the country to participate in a weekend-long intellectual and challenging simulation centered on a pertinent international or domestic issue. Inquiry creates a forum for young students to engage deeply with compelling issues through intensive study, role-play, and mentorship by Institute students studying the topic in-depth. Inquiry also organizes a yearly investigative trip, typically during the winter intersession, to the country or region of interest. The Inquiry simulation and trip prepare students for global citizenship and develop leadership skills by emphasizing a cooperative approach to achieving progress on complex problems. In the past 20 years, more than 4,800 high school students and 750 Tufts students have participated in the program.
Past Inquiry Simulations:
2018 The Future Nuclear Imperative
2017 Syria: The Future
2016 Europe: Facing an Uncertain Future
2015 Russia's Future with Post-Soviet States
2014 Democracy and Sectarianism in the Middle East and North Africa: Iraq
2013 Conference on the Next Big One: Preparing for a Global Pandemic
2012 Confronting Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo
2011 The Global Nuclear Future
2010 Security and Stability in South Asia
2009 Sustainable Cities
2008 Poverty and Inequality in Latin America
2007 Global Crises
2006 The Politics of Fear in Asia
2005 The World's Oceans: Security, Economics, and Environment
2004 The United States' Role in the Middle East
2003 African Sovereignty, African Perspectives
2002 Inequities Within the Americas
2001 The 2001 Global Race and Class Policy Initiative
2000 From Greece to Globalism: The Future of the International Olympic Movement
1999 The Convention on Crime and Corruption in Europe and the Soviet Successor States
1998 EXODUS and EXILE: Refugees, Migration, and Global Security
1997 The Future of Democracy in Latin America
1996 Religion, Politics and Society in North Africa
1995 The Future of the Asia-Pacific Region
1994 Negotiations on the Future of the Former Yugoslavia
1993 Regional Economic Development and Cooperation in a Post-Apartheid Southern Africa
1992 Water Politics in the Middle East
Regularly Participating Schools:
Boston Latin Academy (Boston, MA)
Broad Ripple High School (Indianapolis, IN)
Columbia Preparatory School (New York, NY)
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Chicago, IL)
Dover Sherborn High School (Dover, MA)
El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice (Brooklyn, NY)
John D. O'Bryant School of Math and Science (Boston, MA)
Little Village High School (Chicago, IL)
Medford High School (Medford, MA)
Nichols School (Albany, NY)
Pace Academy (Atlanta, GA)
Phillips Exeter Academy (Exeter, NH)
Stuyvesant High School (New York, NY)

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