Careers in Human Rights - Alumni Panel

Date & Time October 15, 2018 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Cabot 702
IGL General

Thinking about a career in human rights? Thinking about a career in data science? Wondering how the two might be combined? Come hear from alumni working in the field.

The Institute will be holding an Alumni Panel looking at careers in Human Rights featuring:

  • Tamy Guberek (EPIIC’99, A’02) is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan School of Information. Her research focuses on the various challenges where data, archives and technology intersect with advancing human rights and protecting vulnerable communities in the U.S. and abroad. She has published in Archival Science, Statistics Politics and Policy, and the ACM Human Factors in Computing (CHI) peer-reviewed proceedings, as well as co-authored various reports with and for human rights practitioners. Prior to graduate school, Guberek was the Latin America Coordinator for the Human Rights Data Analysis Group, where she bridged quantitative analysis of human rights violations with historical interpretation about the local context and the sources of data. In Guatemala, she led HRDAG’s collaboration with Historical Archive of the Guatemalan National Police, working closely with them on their statistical sampling of the cache of records. In Colombia, she supported Colombian NGOs with their information systems and data analysis projects about human rights crimes. She also collaborated on multiple analyses about violent deaths, forced disappearances and union-related violence. Tamy also led HRDAG’s on-the-ground examination of Colombian data about conflict-related sexual violence. At Tufts, Tamy majored in International Relations.
  • Kristen Cibelli Hibben (EPIIC’99, A’99) works in the International Unit at the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan where she consults, builds capacity, and develops resources to improve the quality of international and multinational, multiregional, and multicultural surveys. She has authored and co-authored numerous invited book chapters and journal articles, and has contributed extensively to the Cross-cultural Survey Guidelines, an online resource for the design and implementation of international, multinational, multiregional, and multicultural surveys. She received her PhD in Survey Methodology from the University of Michigan and her Masters of Science degree from the Joint Program in Survey Methodology from the University of Maryland at College Park. Prior to her graduate studies and work in survey research, Kristen worked in the area of international human rights. This work involved working with a variety of partners including truth commissions, human rights commissions, the United Nations and numerous non-governmental organizations on the collection, management and analysis of data about human rights abuses in countries including Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Thailand (for Burma). Her work also included training and advising partners in the use of Martus, Analyzer and data analysis in the human rights field. Kristen helped guide the development of Martus and Analyzer software, managing the needs of field users and setting priorities with data processing and software engineers. She led Benetech’s efforts with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Liberia, advising the TRC on data collection, the design of coding forms and process, and broadly on the use of large-scale data collection and analysis to support their truth-seeking mandate. She worked on site providing direct support to the TRC in Monrovia for eight months in 2008. Kristen co-authored the HRDAG Report and Annex to the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia. At Tufts, Kristen majored in International Relations with a certificate in Peace and Justice Studies.

    In 1999-2000 Kristen and Tamy co-led a nationally representative survey of NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina about their perceptions of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. This research resulted in the report “Justice Unknown, Justice Unsatisfied?: Bosnians Speak Out about the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia”.