Past Events

Date & Time March 12, 2022 10:00am
South Asian Regional Committee

SARC: Art and Political Resistance in South Asia

Please join SARC this Saturday, March 12 at 10am EST for a panel on Art and Political Resistance in South Asia. The panel hopes to explore the power of art in articulating dissent, looking at both music and visual art and their ability to challenge or fight unjust systems and raise awareness on important political issues across South Asia.

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Date & Time March 11-12, 2022 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Women in IR

Women in IR : Gender x International Relations Symposium

Are you interested in the way gender intersects with climate change or how we can look at the economy from a feminist point of view? If so, the WIIR Spring Conference is the right place for you to learn about these issues and more! There will be one panel on Friday and two on Saturday. Participants have the opportunity to learn and hear from several experts, including, Dr. Joyce Jacobsen, of the Tahir Justice Center, and Ms. Brianna Frueran, on feminist economics, gender-based violence, and gender issues relating to climate change, respectively.

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Date & Time March 9, 2022 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Cabot ASEAN Auditorium

ALLIES: Climate and Militarism

Tufts ALLIES is excited to invite you to our second speaker event of the semester, Climate and Militarism, on Wednesday, March 9th in Cabot ASEAN at 8:00 PM! We will be hosting activist and political organizer Nick Rabb. Nick is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Tufts University and spends his time organizing with Sunrise Movement, MA Peace Action, and Dissenters. He has given climate-related talks at webinars held by MA Peace Action, 350MA, CODEPINK, and more.

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