Past Events

Date & Time November 28, 2018 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Braker 118

Islam in Asia: Majority Minority and the Role of Religion

The dynamic role of religion and the longstanding legacy of European colonialism in East and Southeast Asia have left a mix of societal and religious tensions across the region. The ongoing Moro conflict in the Philippines, the shifting role of Islam in Indonesia, and the tragic genocide of the Rohyinga in Burma demonstrate the sheer complexity of the region's attitudes towards Islam. Join us in ALLIES as we discuss the role of Islam in Asia. You don't need any prior knowledge of the topic to join and there will be some short readings there to get you acquainted with the discussion.

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Date & Time November 28, 2018 12:00pm
Distler Hall, Granoff Music Center
IGL General

Music, Public Diplomacy, and Beethoven for the Rohingya

Join us and George Mathew, conductor, humanitarian and founder of Music for Life International, for an exploration of identity and transformative social action through music, for healing in our troubled times.

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Date & Time November 15, 2018 6:00pm
Mugar 235
IGL General

IGL Alumni Panel "Mind, Body, Schisms: Conflict and Cognitive Science"

What are the keys to preventing and/or mitigating conflict? What is the role of cognitive science? What is the role of media? How can we contain hate speech and violent rhetoric?

Join alums Michael Niconchuk (BUILD’11) and Elizabeth (Biz) Herman (EPIIC’08, Exposure, A’10) for a reception and discussion on the work they are doing for Beyond Conflict (formerly Peace and Justice in Times of Transition).

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