Past Events

Date & Time September 17, 2018 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Eaton 202
Amnesty International

Amnesty International GIM

Are you passionate about human rights? Would you like to actively promote awareness of human rights abuse around the world to the Tufts community? Then come to Amnesty International’s general interest meeting! Amnesty International is the world's largest human rights organization that seeks to promote and fight for human rights around the world.

Through weekly discussions, events, and campaigns, the Tufts Amnesty International chapter aims to raise awareness of human rights abuses among the Tufts community and in the greater Boston area.

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Date & Time September 13, 2018 8:15pm - 9:15pm
Pearson 112
Tufts International Development

Tufts International Development GIM

Tufts International Development (Tufts ID) is a student-led organization that immerses students in the practice of sustainable development around the world. Students create and implement development-focused projects with the assistance of non-profit partners, and work on teams to implement these programs. Throughout the year students work on these projects remotely, and in the summer, students travel to their project location to conduct on-the-ground work. Tufts ID members are currently working on three projects, one in Ecuador, one in Honduras and one in India.

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Date & Time September 13, 2018 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Res Quad
IGL General

Annual Student Organizations Fair

Annual Student Organizations Fair will be held on Wednesday, September 12 on Res Quad from 5-7pm – come to find out more about the IGL’s student groups as well as the more than 300 Tufts student organizations.


Amnesty International


Oslo Scholars

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