Past Events

Date & Time February 20, 2018 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Barnum 104

The 2018 EPIIC Film Series: THE SQUARE

2014 Academy Award Nominated Documentary: THE SQUARE

The Egyptian Revolution had been an ongoing rollercoaster for two and a half years and the news only offered a glimpse of the bloodiest battle, an election, or a million man march. At the beginning of July 2013, Egypt deposed its second president within the span of three years.

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Date & Time February 16, 2018 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Mugar 200, The Fletcher School

Building a Fair and Constructive Sino-US Partnership with Shen Dingli

A key independent academic voice in China in arms control and nonproliferation, he is Professor of International Relations at Fudan University and Founder and Director of China’s first non-government-based Program on Arms Control and Regional Security. His research areas cover the China-U.S. security relationship, nuclear arms control and disarmament, nuclear weapons policy of the US and China, regional nonproliferation issues concerning South Asia, Northeast Asia and Middle East, test ban, missile defense, export control, as well as China’s foreign and defense policies.

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