Past Events

Date & Time April 25, 2017 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Olin 012

Foundations of US Policy in the Middle East with Irene Gendzier

Interested in the foundations of U.S. policy in the Middle East? Join the Tufts New Initiative for Middle East Peace in a discussion with Irene Gendzier, professor emerita in the Department of Political Science at Boston University. She will discuss some of the major findings of her book: Dying to Forget, Oil, Power, Palestine and the Foundations of US Policy in the Middle East (Columbia U Press, 2015, 2016), that deal with the foundations of US policy in the events surrounding the struggle over Palestine and the emergence of the state of Israel.

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Date & Time April 24, 2017 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Alumnae Lounge

Peace in the Middle East? One Hundred Years after the Balfour Declaration? with Miguel Moratinos

Miguel Ángel Moratinos Cuyaubé has committed his professional and political activity to international relationships and development cooperation. He was born in Madrid on the 8th of June 1951 and studied at the Madrid French Lyceum. He graduated in Law and Political Sciences at the University Complutense in Madrid, and then in Diplomatic Studies at the Spanish Diplomatic School. He entered Spain’s diplomatic service in March 1977. He is a father of three and is married to Dominique Maunac.

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Date & Time April 19, 2017 8:00am - 9:30am
Lane Hall

UN Peace-Keeping with Nick Birnback

This week, Tufts ALLIES is honored to host IGL affiliate Nick Birnback to speak on his area of expertise, United Nations Peace Keeping.

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