Past Events

Date & Time February 10, 2022 9:00pm - 10:00pm
SEC Anderson 211

EWB: Game Night

Join Engineers Without Borders for its annual Game Night! Have fun! Win prizes!

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Date & Time February 10, 2022 12:00pm - 1:00pm
South Asian Regional Committee

SARC: Political Resistance in South Asia Symposium, Day 1

The Tufts South Asian Regional Committee is excited to announce its 2022 Symposium taking place on February 10 and 11. The theme of this event is Political Resistance in South Asia. The students aim to explore various ways that resistance is actively taking place in the subcontinent, analyzing both violent and nonviolent political action across class, caste, and gender, through four panels. Get an in-depth look into politics of resistance in Bangladesh and the role of Muslim women, class-based resistance in labor, art as a form of nonviolent dissent, and anti-coup protests in Myanmar.

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Date & Time February 9, 2022 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Eaton 206

Bosnia Trapped Under Dayton

Although the Bosnian War ended with the signing of the US-brokered-Dayton Agreement in 1995, there have been talks about the dissolution of Bosnia and this has sparked fresh fears of a new outbreak in violence. What will Bosnia’s future look like and why would US policy towards Bosnia may be hurting them?

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