Past Events

Date & Time December 31, 2021 4:45pm

Applications due for ALLIES Joint Research Project to Chile

ALLIES is excited to open applications for this year’s Joint Research Project (JRP) to Chile! The annual Joint Research Project will take place from 31 May to 17 June 2022. On the JRP, civilian and service academy students can meet with a broad range of individuals to discuss civil-military relations and/or security issues related to the host country, to investigate topics of shared interest, to visit sites of interest, and to release findings in an integrated civil-military setting in the form of a joint policy paper.

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Date & Time December 13, 2021 11:30am - 12:30pm
South Asian Regional Committee

The Repeal of India's Farm Laws

Over the past year, three laws in India aiming to regulate agricultural markets have incited the biggest protests in the world, led by the farmers that these laws affect. On November 29, 2021, India’s parliament passed a bill to repeal these laws, marking a major turning point in the sustained actions that have occurred over the last year.

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Date & Time December 10, 2021 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Cabot 206

MERG: MENA Climate Panel

The Middle East Research Group (MERG) is hosting a moderated panel this Friday at 2pm in Cabot 206 and on Zoom on the effects of climate change on the Middle East and North Africa. The panel will examine the state of climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. This panel will feature experts including Karim Elgendy, an urban practitioner and sustainability consultant; Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud, an expert on climate change adaptation, water policy analysis, and scenario planning; and Neeshad Shafi, a climate youth activist. Come for a fascinating discussion!!

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