Past Events

Date & Time September 15, 2021 8:00pm - 9:00pm

ALLIES Weekly Discussion: Ending Post-9/11 era, US Military in (and out of) Afghanistan

After almost 20 years, America’s longest war has finally come to an end--but it has caused chaos on the grounds of Afghanistan and reshuffling of global power relations. What will the future of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan look like, and how should the US take responsibility? Join ALLIES this Wednesday at 8pm in Braker Room 223 to discuss.

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Date & Time September 15, 2021 7:15pm
574 Boston Ave, Room 404
Women in International Relations

Tufts Women In International Relations (WIIR) Fall 2021 GIM

Tufts WIIR is a community of femme-identifying people interested in International Relations, striving to spark dialogue and empower students. WIIR will be having one in-person GIM (9/15) and one virtual GIM (9/16) this week, both at 7:15 PM. Meetings are at 574 Boston Ave, Room 404.

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Date & Time September 14, 2021 9:30pm
South Asian Regional Committee

Tufts South Asian Regional Committee Fall 2021 GIM

The South Asian Regional Committee is an academic discourse and research group under the Institute for Global Leadership at Tufts University. Their work revolves around the 9 countries that fall under the region which include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Pakistan. This group will have a focus on social, political, historical and economic affairs, with the conscious intent to be in touch with current issues facing the South Asian subcontinent.

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