Past Events

Date & Time April 23, 2021 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Decisión 2021, Elections in Latin America: The State of Latin American Democracy

2021 will prove to be a year of massive structural change in Latin America. With 9 elections being hosted throughout the continent (5 of which will be Presidential), this massive influx of political change and continuity, democratic contestation, and electoral participation will undoubtedly impact the next decade of LA politics.

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Date & Time April 23, 2021 12:00pm - 1:15pm

Africa’s Last Colony: Activism, engagement, and escalation in Western Sahara

This panel features activists and academics who will speak about the various legal, political, and economic dimensions of the Western Sahara conflict. The conflict, which began in 1975, is both one of the world’s oldest and its most ignored and has largely defined Morocco’s relationship with neighboring countries and international actors. The panel experts will provide background information on different aspects of the conflict and engage in conversation around the recent re-escalation of hostilities and US policy decisions under Trump and Biden.

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Date & Time April 21, 2021 8:00pm - 9:00pm

Should the US Be In or Out of World Affairs?

Please join ALLIES for a discussion with Stephen Wertheim from the Quincy Institute on whether the US should pull back from the world.

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