Past Events

Date & Time March 16, 2021 8:00pm - 8:30pm

Tufts IR Trivia Night (Chances to win Amazon Gift Cards)

This Tuesday (March 16th) at 8:00 pm (EST), please join us for an exciting night of trivia cohosted by Tufts SURGE and Hemispheres (@tuftshemis)! Questions will range from general IR knowledge to more specific topics on politics, history, culture, flags, and geography. The final prizes include two $15 and two $10 Amazon gift cards! This event is open to anyone, and although the questions will be focused on IR, we welcome and encourage students from all majors and knowledge levels to participate in what we hope is a night full of a lot of fun!

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Date & Time March 12, 2021 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Women in IR

Women in the World Panel

Interested in how women play a role in international politics? In honor of International Women’s Week, join WHEN and Women in International Relations Friday March 12 at 1pm for our Women in the World panel discussion! We will be addressing the experiences of women working in IR and political science as well as the obstacles faced by women around the world. Panelists include Tufts Professors Anna Larson and Deborah Schildkraut, Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos of the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, and Heela Yoon, founder and CEO of Afghan Women Welfare and Development Association.

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Date & Time March 12, 2021 12:00pm

Ramifications of the Abraham Accords: Normalizing of Relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel

The Middle East Research Group (MERG) will be hosting a moderated panel on the Abraham Accords, a novel agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates that normalized diplomatic and commercial ties between the two states. This panel will feature officials experienced in academia as well as policymaking and diplomacy. It will also explore the myriad implications of the accord such as national security and ramifications for Palestine. We will be joined by two speakers:

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