Past Events

Date & Time February 23, 2021 1:30pm - 3:00pm
IGL General

An Application of International Laws and Norms at Home: Redressing Human Rights Violations by Police at Black Lives Matter Protests

Join Alumna Lauren Katz Smith (EPIIC02), Clinical Law Professor at Drexel University, for a discussion about the complaint she and her students submitted to the United Nations documenting human rights abuses perpetrated by the Philadelphia Police Department during the Black Lives Matter protests. The submission describes how on May 31 the PPD unleashed a variety of less-lethal weapons, including tear gas, rubber bullets, and pepper spray, in a residential neighborhood in West Philadelphia near 52nd Street, putting protesters’ and residents’ lives at risk.

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Date & Time February 19-20, 2021 10:00am - 2:00pm
South Asian Regional Committee

South Asian Climate Conference

The 2021 Climate Change Conference on February 19th and 20th, hosted by the Tufts South Asian Regional Committee (SARC), will feature four panels that each address the various challenges that climate change poses to the subcontinent. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are amongst the countries worst affected by the climate crisis. Rising sea levels have displaced thousands of people in West Bengal and Bangladesh, while a shortage of freshwater has led to a diplomatic crisis between India and Pakistan.

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Date & Time February 17, 2021 8:00pm - 9:00pm

ALLIES Weekly Discussion: SolarWinds and American Cybersecurity

Officials are still working to determine the breadth of the SolarWinds hack, which has already been named as one of the worst data breaches targeting the federal government. Join ALLIES this Wednesday as we discuss how the U.S. should respond to SolarWinds hack and how it can be prepared for future cyberattacks.

As usual, no prior knowledge is required, and background readings will be provided at the event. This event is also co-hosted with JumboSec, the Tufts cybersecurity club. We hope to see you there!

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