Past Events

Date & Time October 30, 2020 12:30pm - 1:30pm
IGL General

Migration and Humanitarian Work in the Middle East

Please join the Middle East Research Group (MERG) for a panel on migration and humanitarian work in the Middle East. The panel will feature Tufts alums Andreas Ashikalis, Biz Herman, Georgie Nink, and Aline Sara.  They will discuss topics such as entering humanitarian work from undergraduate and graduate positions, the needs and opportunities present in the field today, and living and working abroad. The panelists work in various roles across migration, refugee, and humanitarian work.

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Date & Time October 29, 2020 5:30pm - 6:30pm
IGL General

Norms Upended? U.S. Post-Election Politics, from Hanging Chads in 2000 to Challenges in 2020

Join two IGL alumni, Matt Bai (A90) and Daniel Feldman (A89), for a discussion of U.S. election norms, recent contested presidential election results, and what might happen after November 3.

This event is co-sponsored by the International Relations Program, the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences, and Tisch College for Civic Life.

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Date & Time October 28, 2020 8:00pm - 9:00pm

ALLIES Weekly Discussion: China-India Border Dispute

In June 2020, Chinese and Indian forces clashed over a long-disputed territory named Aksai Chin in its deadliest dispute since 1967. Join ALLIES this Wednesday as we discuss the conflict over Aksai Chin and reflect on the future of China-India relations. As usual, no background knowledge is required and background readings will be provided at the event. We hope to see you there!

Zoom link:

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