Past Events

Date & Time September 22, 2020 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Women in IR

Women In International Relations General Interest Meeting

If you're a femme-identifying person interested in the field of international relations, this is the club for you! Women in International Relations (WIIR) is a recently founded organization committed to exploring opportunities for women in international relations (IR). WIIR is aiming to strengthen the IR female community at Tufts. Through mentorship and networking events, we strive to build a safe space for dialogue, empowerment, and career-building.   WIIR has some exciting events planned for the semester and would love to have you join us.

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Date & Time September 21, 2020 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Tufts European Horizons

European Horizons GIM

Join European Horizons for our Fall GIM on Monday, September 21 at 7:00 PM EDT! European Horizons hosts biweekly discussions about European affairs and the transatlantic alliance. We have previously hosted discussions on the Green New Deal, the refugee crisis, cybersecurity, energy security, the Iran Nuclear Deal.

This term our club will address topics related to structural inequalities in Europe and in the United States. For example, we will consider inclusion, race, diversity, and immigration within EU institutions and European society at large.

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Date & Time September 17, 2020 8:00pm - 9:00pm
IGL General

Tufts SURGE: GIM and the Future of Chinese Tech Firms in the West

Tufts Sino-US Relations Group Engagement (SURGE) is an IGL-affiliated undergraduate group that promotes and expands the academic understanding of China and East Asia on everything from economy, military, geopolitics to culture.

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