Past Events

Date & Time January 29, 2020 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Braker 118

ALLIES Weekly Discussion-The Endgame for Hong Kong

An extradition bill in Hong Kong set off a wave of protests in Hong Kong last summer that are still continuing today. While the extradition bill was formally withdrawn on September 4 last year, there is still extreme unrest in Hong Kong. What are the ultimate goals of the mainland Chinese government and the Hong Kong protesters? 

Join ALLIES this Wednesday as we discuss the viability and cohesiveness of the Hong Kong protest movement. As usual, no prior knowledge is needed and background readings will be provided at the meeting.

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Date & Time January 29, 2020 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Pearson 112

Tufts Middle East Research Group GIM

Tufts Middle East Research Group (MERG) formerly NIMEP or New Initiative to Middle East Peace is a collaborative research group studying the  Middle East and North Africa. MERG is a non-polemical,  student think-tank and outreach initiative devoted to exploring progressive solutions to historic and emerging conflicts in the Middle East.

MERG provides a forum for producing dialogue, research, and nuanced explorations of the region.

MERG works to foster understanding of the MENA region in the Tufts community through hosting events and bringing experts to campus.

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Date & Time January 28, 2020 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Anderson 208

Tufts Engineers without Borders- Malawi Project GIM

Tufts Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is a student group at Tufts University that designs and implements sustainable engineering projects in developing communities. EWB at Tufts is unique in that it includes liberal arts and engineering students who work together to integrate the conceptual and technical strengths of both schools and thereby strengthen our chapter's projects in the communities in which we work.

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