Past Events

Date & Time November 14, 2019 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Olin 011
Latin American Committee

Is Peronism Back? A Conversation About Argentina’s Presidential Elections Results

Argentina had its most recent elections on October 27th. Alberto Fernández was elected President with 48.10% of the vote, while current President Mauricio Macri received 40.37% of the vote. Alberto  Fernández’s win also meant the win for former President Cristina  Fernández de Kirchner as she became the new Vice President elect of Argentina. Vice President Cristina  Fernández de Kirchner presided over Argentina for two consecutive periods between 2007 and 2015 and is sometimes referred to as modern-day Eva Perón.

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Date & Time November 13, 2019 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Eaton 206

Allies Weekly Discussion: The New Scramble for Africa

In the 1800s, European states divided up Africa into colonies for themselves. Now in the 21st century, many foreign nations, particularly China and Russia, have taken an interest in investing in African nations and forming commercial ties with them. Join ALLIES this Wednesday, November 13 at 8pm in Eaton 206, as we discuss how foreign investments and partnerships with African nations are changing the global political landscape and affecting these nations domestically. As usual, no prior knowledge is necessary and background readings will be provided at the meeting.

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Date & Time November 13, 2019 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Braker 222
Latin American Committee

Unrest in Latin America

October 2019 brought Latin America to global headlines, with images of massive mobilizations from Haiti to Chile, reminding the world that the region’s underserved populations remain a strong political force. Join the Tufts Latin American Committee (LAC) to discuss the factors behind these recent events and their implications in regional affairs. A panel with students from some of the countries will share their perspectives on the subject and then open the floor to questions and discussion.

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