Past Events

Date & Time October 23, 2019 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Eaton 206

ALLIES Discussion-Mental Health in Civil-Military Relations

ALLIES will host Captain James P. Micciche and Lieutenant Colonel Jeremy Gwinn from the Fletcher Veterans Association for a candid conversation on mental health in the military. They will share how perspectives on mental health have changed in the military throughout the years, some of their personal experiences, and what still needs to be addressed in the military regarding mental health.

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Date & Time October 23, 2019 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Mugar 235

Salt, Fat, Acid, Repeat: Hummus Past and Present

What can historical cookbooks tell us about the history of one of the world's most popular dishes? This talk charts the medieval history of hummus recipes as a basis for understanding its present. Come eat Middle Eastern food and hear food researcher Anny Gaul discuss the links between cuisine and history in the MENA region. Come join the Middle East Research Group (MERG), formerly known as NIMEP, on learning about the history of hummus.

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Date & Time October 21, 2019 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Mugar 235

Empower Fellows Information Session

The Empower Program for Social Entrepreneurship educates, mentors, and connects aspiring social entrepreneurs at Tufts. Through the Empower program, students develop the necessary attitudes, skills, and knowledge to pursue entrepreneurial ventures. All of these entrepreneurial ventures have a uniquely social perspective, with a particular emphasis on poverty alleviation.

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