Past Events

Date & Time October 16, 2019 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Olin 012
Latin American Committee

The Amazon in Flames: Causes and Consequences

Since January of this year, the Amazon rainforest has been catching fire mainly in the Brazilian territory, but fires have now reached other countries in the region, such as Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru. These fires have resulted in the burning of 2,240,000 acres of rainforest. It has been a global concern that has been expressed through political and social movements. The burning of the lung of the world has also resulted in the loss of territory and resources for various indigenous groups in the Amazon region.

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Date & Time October 16, 2019 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Campus Center
Amnesty International

Write for Rights: AmnesTEA pt. 1

Your words have power. Through the power of collective action, writing letters can convince government officials to help people whose basic human rights are being attacked.

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Date & Time October 9, 2019 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Eaton 206

ALLIES Discussion- Is Migration a Security Issue?

News of Latin American migrants coming to the U.S. is widespread over the past few years, as political unrest grows in Latin American countries such as El Salvador and Venezuela. Join ALLIES and the Latin American Committee (LAC) for a discussion on how influxes in migration in the U.S. from Latin America have shaped U.S. national security this Wednesday, October 9, in Eaton 206. No prior knowledge is required and background readings will be provided at the meeting. We hope to see you there!

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