Past Events

Date & Time September 11, 2019 12:00pm - 1:00pm
96 Packard Ave


NIMEP is a collaborative research group studying the  Middle East and North Africa. NIMEP is a non-polemical,  student think-tank and outreach initiative devoted to exploring progressive solutions to historic and emerging conflicts in the Middle East.

NIMEP provides a forum for producing dialogue, research, and nuanced explorations of the region.

NIMEP works to foster understanding of the MENA region in the Tufts community through hosting events and bringing experts to campus.

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Date & Time September 10, 2019 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Eaton 201
Tufts International Development

Tufts International Development GIM

Tufts International Development (Tufts ID) is a student-led organization that immerses students in the practice of sustainable development around the world. Students create and implement development-focused projects with the assistance of non-profit partners, and work on teams to implement these programs. Throughout the year students work on these projects remotely, and in the summer, students travel to their project location to conduct on-the-ground work. Tufts ID members are currently working on four projects, one in Ecuador, one in Honduras, one in India and one in Costa Rica.

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Date & Time September 9, 2019 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Eaton Hall, Room 207
IGL General

Microfinance and Financial Inclusion

The Institute will be offering a course on “Microfinance and Financial Inclusion” taught by Adam Grenier. Microfinance is a powerful tool in the anti-poverty toolkit to help people in challenging economic conditions have a more prosperous life. In this course, we address how small improvements can be made and take a comprehensive look at microfinance and its impact on people and societies.

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