Past Events

Date & Time May 18, 2019 10:00am - 12:00pm
96 Packard Ave
IGL General

IGL Graduating Students Reception

The IGL is hosting a reception for all of our graduating students and their families as a thank you for your hard work and dedication to our mission over the past four years.

Stop by 96 Packard Ave to mingle with other graduates and reminisce on your time with the IGL!

Food and beverages will be provided.

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Date & Time May 6, 2019 5:30pm - 7:30pm
FTV Capital at 535 Madison Ave, 32nd floor
IGL General

IGL Alumni Reception!

Come meet and mingle with other alums!
Learn about what's happening at the IGL from Director Abi Williams.
Hear current students share their experiences.

Graciously hosted by IGL Alum Brad Bernstein (A'89, EPIIC'89)

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Date & Time May 1, 2019 2:45pm
IGL General

21st Century Negotiating Skills for Global Leadership lectures

The class mixes lectures with role-playing simulations, and Professor McClintock also brought in a range of guest lectures with practical experience.The guest speakers included: Anand Balachandran, the Coordinator of Monitoring and Evaluation for the World Health Organization (WHO) Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Secretariat, and Ken Hyatt, Founder and Partner at CMPartners, and former Acting Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade.

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