Past Events

Date & Time October 3, 2018 12:00pm - 1:00pm
96 Packard ave

Tufts New Initiative for Middle East Peace GIM

NIMEP is a collaborative research group studying the Middle East and North Africa. NIMEP is a non-polemical, student think-tank and outreach initiative devoted to exploring progressive solutions to historic and emerging conflicts in the Middle East.

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Date & Time September 18, 2018 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Anderson 208

Engineers Without Borders GIM

Tufts Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is a student group at Tufts University that designs and implements sustainable engineering projects in developing communities. EWB at Tufts is unique in that it includes liberal arts and engineering students who work together to integrate the conceptual and technical strengths of both schools and thereby strengthen our chapter's projects in the communities in which we work.

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Date & Time September 17, 2018 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Pearson 112
Tufts International Development

Tufts International Development GIM

Tufts International Development (Tufts ID) is a student-led organization that immerses students in the practice of sustainable development around the world. Students create and implement development-focused projects with the assistance of non-profit partners, and work on teams to implement these programs. Throughout the year students work on these projects remotely, and in the summer, students travel to their project location to conduct on-the-ground work. Tufts ID members are currently working on three projects, one in Ecuador, one in Honduras and one in India.

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