Past Events

Date & Time December 1, 2017 7:15pm - 10:15pm
Barnum 008
Amnesty International

8 Borders 8 Days Screening

A single mother shows us the consequences of closing America’s doors to families fleeing war. With no answer to her application for resettlement in the US, and every other path to safety closed off, a smuggler’s raft to Europe was the only way out. 8 Borders, 8 Days is her story; the intimate details of why a fiercely-determined mother is willing to risk her children’s lives for a better future and an immersive experience of their eight-day journey to safety. Following the documentary, we will have a skype session with Amanda Bailley, the producer of the documentary

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Date & Time November 29, 2017 1:30pm - 3:30pm
WOMEN’S CENTER (55 Talbot Ave)
IGL General

Empowering Girls and Working Toward Gender Equality in Africa with Wendo Aszed

Wendo Aszed, a mother of four from Kenya, has walked the talk when it comes to understanding the challenges of rural women in Africa. Growing up in a small community in Kenya, she has a passion for learning and has experienced first-hand how access to basic services and information can change a person’s life.

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Date & Time November 28, 2017 12:00pm
IGL General

Giving Tuesday!

Tuesday is Giving Tuesday!  Support the Next Generation of Critical Thinkers Ready To Engage the World! Your gifts provide a broad range of opportunities for students to connect theory to practice from Medford to Malawi, from Ireland to Indonesia, from Jordan to Japan, from Estonia to Ecuador...Any alumni gift to the IGL will be matched up to $100,000 thanks to a generous challenge grant from Brad Bernstein (EPIIC/89, A'89).  Thank you for your support! Gifts can be made at this site and the IGL can be found under "University".

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