Past Events

Date & Time November 27, 2017 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cabot 206

Childhood Trauma and Violent Extremism with Dr. Heidi Ellis

Next Monday, Tufts ALLIES and the Tufts Child Development Association will be co-sponsoring an event with Childhood Trauma and Violent Extremism with Dr. Heidi Ellis. Dr. Ellis is the director of the Boston Children’s Hospital Center for Refugee Trauma and Resilience.

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Date & Time November 18, 2017 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Hotung Cafe
Amnesty International

Slamnesty- Amnesty International's Slam Poetry

This is an open mic night for individuals to express their thoughts and emotions surrounding human rights issues through performance (poetry, music, spoken word, etc). The event is part of “Write for Rights,” a global letter-writing campaign organized by the wider Amnesty International. We have chosen to focus on four cases (see attached) in which human rights have been violated. We are hosting this open mic night to encourage people to write/sign letters to authorities, pushing them to make a difference in these cases. 

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Date & Time November 16, 2017 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Cabot 205
IGL General

IGL Careers Series: Alumni in Business

The IGL Careers Series provides students with the opportunity to meet professional alumni. Take this chance to gain first-hand information and practical advice about various career paths. This event will focus on alumni from the business sector in start-ups, social entrepreneurship, enterprise technology, financial services, strategic partnerships and international business. This panel includes Anne O'Loughlin Bosman (A'02), Brad Bernstein (A'89) and Stephen Gershman (A'11). The panelists will share invaluable information through open, honest dialogue with the students who attend!

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