Past Events

Date & Time February 4, 2020 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Campus Center, Room 220
Women in International Relations

Women in International Relations Internship Workshop

Join Women in International Relations on Tuesday, February 4 at their Internship Workshop! They will be hosting four stations: Headshots, Interview Tips and Practice, Setting Up your LinkedIn, and Resume Editing. Stop by the Campus Center room 220 between 7:30 and 8:30 in business casual attire if you would like help navigating summer internship applications!

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Date & Time January 30, 2020 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Miner 112
Amnesty International

Tufts Amnesty International GIM

Amnesty International is the world’s largest human rights organization. Tufts Amnesty holds weekly meetings to discuss issues ranging on everything from gun violence to the illegal use of electroshock therapy in Massachusetts. We also host a variety of fun events on campus to promote awareness of international human rights abuses to the Tufts community.

Come to Amnesty’s GIM for info on the work Tufts Amnesty does on campus and our plans for this semester!

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Date & Time January 29, 2020 9:00pm - 10:00pm
Anderson 208

Tufts Engineers without Borders- Nicaragua Project GIM

Tufts Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is a student group at Tufts University that designs and implements sustainable engineering projects in developing communities. EWB at Tufts is unique in that it includes liberal arts and engineering students who work together to integrate the conceptual and technical strengths of both schools and thereby strengthen our chapter's projects in the communities in which we work.

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