Past Events

Date & Time November 20, 2019 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Barnum 104
Tufts European Horizons

Tufts European Horizons: The European Green New Deal: The Solution for a Sustainable Future?

Tufts European Horizons will host a panel on the European Green New Deal. During her confirmation hearing by the European Parliament, incoming European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen promised to put in a place a “European Green New Deal” within her first 100 days in office. This promise helped her narrowly obtain confirmation with the support of Green and Socialist members of parliament. This plan seeks to implement many of the same ideas put forward by the Green New Deal in the US Congress.

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Date & Time November 19, 2019 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Cabot 205

MERG: US Withdrawal: Implications for the Syrian Kurds and Middle Eastern Politics

The Middle East Research Group (MERG), formerly NIMEP, will be hosting a panel and discussion on US involvement in the Middle East with a focus on the recent withdrawal of American forces from northern Syria. Experts from the field will discuss the impact of this decision on different actors as well as on the future of U.S. relationships and policy in the MENA region. Following the panel there will be a small reception.

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Date & Time November 14, 2019 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Miner 112
Amnesty International

Criminal Justice and Policing

Tufts Amnesty International in collaboration with Tufts University Prison Initiative and ALLIES will be hosting a discussion with Tufts Professor David Art on criminal justice and policing. 

David Art's field is comparative politics, with a regional focus on Europe. Professor Art's research interests include extremist political parties and movements, the politics of history and memory, and comparative historical analysis in the social sciences.

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