Past Events

Date & Time March 16, 2022 8:00pm

Shifting Caribbean Politics

Caribbean foreign policy has often been ignored and subsumed its diverse region with Latin American politics. Why should we start looking more towards Caribbean foreign relations, and why is the region important to the United States–or more importantly, to the world?

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Date & Time March 15, 2022 11:00am - 12:00pm
Zoom and Cabot 702
IGL General

Tufts Global Month: Tufts Table: Climate Change: Where Is the Urgency?

Join Tufts Global Month and the Bridging Differences Initiative of the Office of the Provost for a discussion about how a “code red” climate crisis is or is not translating to urgent actions at the local, national and global levels. Dean Rachel Kyte of The Fletcher School will be giving an introductory talk followed by discussions. For those attending in person, lunch will be available. Please register here.

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Date & Time March 14, 2022 5:00pm - 6:00pm
JCC 610
Latin American Committee

LAC: Exploration and Exploitation: Natural Resources, Indigenous Rights, and Oil Mining in the Amazon

With reports of mass destruction of natural spaces and elimination of complete ecosystems from across the world emerging constantly, all eyes turn to the largest rainforest in the world: the Amazon. The Amazon, like many ecosystems of our world, is home to millions of animal species, indigenous people who have inhabited the region for centuries, and precious minerals and materials. However, during the last century, international corporations have established massive projects to extract the materials from the land, more specifically oil.

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