Archive 2015

Jun 24

Leaner Research for Social Businesses by Maya and Benji

by tuftsigl

Maya Ranganath and Benji Moncivaiz are two students in between their first and second year at the Fletcher School. This summer, they are based in Ecuador interning for the international jewellery business The Faire Collection. 

Jun 19

Public Affairs Intern, U.S. Mission to the EU by Allison Aaronson

by tuftsigl

I started my internship on May 27, I cannot believe I have been working here for almost four weeks!   The first two weeks were rather difficult because I felt like I didn’t have enough to do at my internship and was feeling purposeless.  At the same time, I was constantly confused because the State Department, the EU, and Brussels in g

Jun 10

Hospitality in Morocco by Ariel Barbieri-Aghib

by tuftsigl

As we were winding through the blue streets of Chefchaouen, I thought back to all of the people we interviewed; the different interesting facts we learned and the overall experience. For me, the most fulfilling part was experiencing the intersection of Moroccan hospitality coupled with the interesting interviews we had.