Archive 2015

Oct 28

Malik Mufti Speaks to EPIIC

by tuftsigl

Malik Mufti spoke to the EPIIC Colloquium on the topic of Europe and Turkey. Malik Mufti is a Professor of Political Science at Tufts University. He teaches courses on international relations as well as the politics of the Middle East.

Oct 23

Mark Miller Speaks with EPIIC on 10/22/15

by tuftsigl

On Thursday, October 22, 2015, guest lecturer Mark Miller gave a talk about refugees and migration in Europe. Miller is the Emma Smith Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delaware.  He joined the Department in 1978.

Oct 23

Martel Scholar Presentations 2015

by tuftsigl

In memory of Fletcher Professor William Martel,
this past summer the Institute for Global Leadership supported seven students in their research and internships. On Thursday October 22, 2015 the scholars presented their work: