Archive 2017

Jun 13

BUILD:India and NGO Payir partnered to organize health evenings for the rural Thottiyapatti community

by tuftsigl

The second week of our trip to Payir consisted of us putting on two health evenings for the Thottiyapatti community, creating a promotional video for Payir, writing official reports on Payir’s solar panel project and annual report, distributing all supplies bought and establishing a phase-out plan for our club, which we would later dis

Jun 13

Town meeting in the village of Silvio Mayorga by Jennifer Sohn

by tuftsigl

After four and half days of work throughout the village of Silvio Mayorga, my trip to Nicaragua with Tufts Engineers without Borders concluded with a town meeting. Just before our return to Managua, we brought everyone together, from the community water board to neighborhood children.

Jun 05

Hermeneutic Analysis of the 2014 Annexation of Crimea, part 2 by Dan Pechi

by tuftsigl

Today marks the last day of my stay in Moscow after an intense week of cold calls and meetings. If this project has taught me anything, it's that hard work can really pay off.