Archive 2017

Mar 23

Iraqi Prime Minister Awarded Robert and JoAnn Bendetson Public Diplomacy Award

by heatherbarry

On Wednesday, March 22, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was awarded the Institute's Robert and JoAnn Bendetson Public Diplomacy Award in Washington, DC.  IGL External Advisory Board Co-Chair Robert Bendetson presented the award in a private meeting with the prime minister, reco

Mar 13

IGL Student speaks on her research and experiences in Ghana by Jhanel Chew

by tuftsigl

When I left the United States, it was 27 degrees outside. There were piles of snow everywhere and I was freezing in my big winter coat and snow boots. By the time I finally got off the plane, the sun had set and the temperature in Ghana had cooled significantly to a low 80 degrees.

Mar 08

Discussion on Gender and Justice in Latin American Development with Sebastián Molano

by mdillard

BUILD: Latin America co-hosted a speaker event with Amnesty International and Students Helping Honduras on March 2nd, 2017. The speaker, Sebastián Molano, is a Fletcher graduate and has extensive experience doing development work in many Latin American countries.