Archive 2017

Aug 28

PNDP Student at Johannesburg’s Mail and Guardian by Anthony Schultz

by tuftsigl

I’ve been in Johannesburg for almost three months now, working for the Mail & Guardian media house as a documentary photography fellow. Working for the Mail & Guardian has entailed creating visuals for the coverage of daily news stories in addition to pursuing stories of personal interest in and around Johannesburg.

Aug 23

Tufts University's Response to Charlottesville

by heatherbarry

August 14, 2017

Dear Members of the Tufts Community,

Aug 22

Timmy Global Health with Asociación Pop Wuj, Guatemala by Hannah Levin, part 2

by tuftsigl

The second half of the work I did with Pop Wuj rapidly came to an end. After adjusting to the lifestyle and pace in Xela, Guatemala, with the occasional earthquake shock and parasite challenges, the days packed with morning clinic and afternoon classes flew by.